Well, I'm sad to say that my Tasmanian adventure is over. After arriving in Launceston, Alison and I headed straight to the bar. I don't think I will ever get over the hilarity that is small town pubs in Australia. First off, there are never any women in them. So as soon as you walk in, every head swivels towards you. After about half an hour, the bravest of them comes up to introduce himself, and soon you are surrounded by Aussies, intent on telling how great their particular part of the country is. Gotta love it!
Saturday we headed for Festivale, which is a big food and wine festival, and really, the only reason we were in Launceston. We sampled many tasty wines, and ate: truffle infused venison pie, fresh oysters, mexican food, possum sausage, the best cheese in Tasmania (really, it won the award last week!), seafood chowder, rosti, rasberries and cream, tempura mushrooms, and more that I can't remember. The only bad thing was the mushrooms, which were foul beyond all redemption. We were actually not able to finish them, and threw them out.
After a brief nap, we returned in time for the Robbie Williams cover band. It was a little surreal, because everyone seemed to be singing along to all the songs, and between the two of us, we vaguely recognized maybe three. Later we returned to the bar, and met some very funny underage girls, who couldn't get over the idea that people would come to Launceston on purpose.
Monday we parted ways, as Alison went to stay with a friend of hers in Melbourne, and I checked into a hostel for 12 hours, to wait for my flight to Auckland.
I've only been here about two hours, but here are some useful things to know about New Zealand:
1. You need to have a flight out booked or they won't let you in.
2. Their customs officers have no sense of humour (on reflection, this may be a general customs thing)
3. Their 50 cent coins are a reasonable size (I haven't seen any other coins yet, but I will most definitely keep you all up to date on this pressing matter)
4. Much like Australia, the street signs are invisible.
5. Auckland is very hilly. Don't plan on walking far with a 16 kg backpack.
That's really all I have observed so far, so on that note, I'm off.
Saturday we headed for Festivale, which is a big food and wine festival, and really, the only reason we were in Launceston. We sampled many tasty wines, and ate: truffle infused venison pie, fresh oysters, mexican food, possum sausage, the best cheese in Tasmania (really, it won the award last week!), seafood chowder, rosti, rasberries and cream, tempura mushrooms, and more that I can't remember. The only bad thing was the mushrooms, which were foul beyond all redemption. We were actually not able to finish them, and threw them out.
After a brief nap, we returned in time for the Robbie Williams cover band. It was a little surreal, because everyone seemed to be singing along to all the songs, and between the two of us, we vaguely recognized maybe three. Later we returned to the bar, and met some very funny underage girls, who couldn't get over the idea that people would come to Launceston on purpose.
Monday we parted ways, as Alison went to stay with a friend of hers in Melbourne, and I checked into a hostel for 12 hours, to wait for my flight to Auckland.
I've only been here about two hours, but here are some useful things to know about New Zealand:
1. You need to have a flight out booked or they won't let you in.
2. Their customs officers have no sense of humour (on reflection, this may be a general customs thing)
3. Their 50 cent coins are a reasonable size (I haven't seen any other coins yet, but I will most definitely keep you all up to date on this pressing matter)
4. Much like Australia, the street signs are invisible.
5. Auckland is very hilly. Don't plan on walking far with a 16 kg backpack.
That's really all I have observed so far, so on that note, I'm off.
New Zealand. Sounds exciting. Good rugby there, or so I hear. I was just talking with a couple of guys who were there and they raved about a single prop plane that took them over the mountains. They said it was scary, but increadibly beautiful at the same time. Not sure where it was, or how much it cost though...
I must quibble with the customs officer thing. I recently had very positive experiences with two American customs dudes, who actually had great senses of humour. Although the dude in Pheonix didn't seem to understand the concept of plugging in a car when it's cold out...
Pete, at 7:58 PM
robbie williams cover band?!??! hahahahahaha!
my cousin met the real deal in amsterdam before he was famous and he tried to bully her into giving her his autograph and she turned him down. and now he's in rehab. what a douche.
Anonymous, at 6:59 AM
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